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Acupuncture And The Five Elements Of The Universe: How Their Relationship Cures You From Any Body Ailments

In the world of traditional medicine, the Chinese idea about acupuncture and the five elements is based on mythological beliefs which unfortunately sound mystical to the Western society. Notwithstanding, these elements form the basis of the Western medicine as you would later discover in this article.

According to the Chinese belief, these elements are based on the idea 'qi' which represents energy in your body. With acupuncture, there is a balance of the flow of 'qi' (i.e. energy flow) in your body.

The Chinese traditional medicine believes that the five elements form the central aspects of acupuncture. The elements control the important part of the universe. These elements are the earth, water, fire, metal and wind. Let us see how these elements affect your body which I believe is very important for any acupuncturist to take note of.

In the Chinese context of the universe, they see everything in two principal but opposite terms, the yin and yang. They see yin and yang the way you see winter and summer or positive and negative. The yin is connected to everything that is positive while the yang is the opposite.

The Yin symbolizes the regeneration, affection of life, spring, and all the light in this world including the beauty of this world. It is in fact the beauty of nature. The yang on the other hand, represents gloom. It symbolizes winter, sliding actions, slowing of activity, and fading of the summer. Each element as mentioned above is related to either yin or yang, with each pairing representing some parts of your body.

According to this belief, your spleen and stomach is connected to dampness which is yang. Also, your kidneys and bladder are linked to coldness. Your heart and small intestine are connected to fire while your large intestine, lungs and skin dryness are linked to metal. In addition, your liver and gall bladder is associated with wind.

Looking at acupuncture and the five elements, I believe you can treat your body from any ailments using the appropriate acupuncture. This will help you recover from any ailments faster if properly done. However, only a professional acupuncturist is what you needed to do so. This elements and body associations have actually encouraged and supported many studies in acupuncture today.

Finally, all you need now is to acquaint yourself with new ideas about acupuncture and the five elements. This way you learn better ways of keeping your body healthy. So, if you are interested in acupuncture or in the Chinese culture, find out more about the five elements and get a better understanding of the Chinese world of view.

You can also use Alternative Health Treatment Zone for your alternative cure to any body ailments or pains

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